Repair the World

The phrase Tikkun Olam (more or less Hebrew for "Repair the World") has roots in both Kabbalah and Mishnah but, in many Jewish circles, has come to represent what we at Fig Tree view as fundamental both for Fig Tree as an organization, and for us as human beings: the commitment to social justice for all people, the passion to help the environment, and the belief that we- as individuals and in community- can directly affect change upon the world through our action.

The core Jewish values of Tzedakah (Charity), Tzedek (Justice) and Bal Tashchit (Environmental Responsibility) are infused within our curriculum, and are practiced outside the classroom via meaninful family service and charity-driven social and holiday events.

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Family Service Activities

Throughout the year, Fig Tree families have the opportunity to participate in meaningful volunteer service in and around our local communities. In the past, we have: volunteered at Masbia, a kosher soup kitchen; worked at Bushwick City Farm, that provide free food, clothing, and educational programs for the community; and we've built Birthday Boxes for kids whose families rely on the Bed Stuy Campaign Against Hunger Food Pantry. We've been thrilled to partner with Repair the World in many of these endeavors. 

צדק צדק תרדף
Justice, Justice you shall pursue...
— Deuteronomy 16:20

Pursuit of Social Justice

Fig Tree is committed to equality and justice for all people- regardless of race, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation- and these values are infused within our curriculum. In the classroom, our students have the opportunity to explore issues associated with equality, oppression, and the concept of "fairness," framed within the context of Jewish religion, history and culture. [Of course, these topics are sensitively incorporated into relevant lesson plans, and are presented in an age-appropriate manner.]

Commitment to Tzedakah

Charitable giving (Tzedakah in Hebrew) is not just a nice thing to do; it is traditionally viewed as a religious obligation- the right thing to do. While we at Fig Tree are not quite "traditional," we feel strongly that a material portion of our own profits should be donated to charities that make our world a better place. To that end, we commit to making meaningful donations on an quarterly basis to local and national non-profits that: help families and children in need; strive to end inequality and injustice for minority groups; combat hunger and homelessness; work to reverse climate change and generate green energy; and encourage diversity and inclusion within the Jewish community.