Fig Tree Founder Rachel Weinstein White was looking for a new kind of Hebrew School for her kids: a place that eschewed rote memorization and dry religious instruction and instead embraced joyful, creative learning. A place that would welcome and celebrate her multiracial Jewish kids for their wholeness, not for their difference. A program that would teach love of Torah, core Jewish values of charity and social justice, and relevant Hebrew- all in a thoughtful, innovative way. 

Rachel searched high and low throughout the Brooklyn and, to her surprise, turned up empty. There are many phenomenal Hebrew Schools, of course- but they are primarily affiliated with synagogues. And Rachel's Jewish+ family has consciously chosen to not join a temple congregation.

So, after some quiet reflection and lots of (possibly wine-fueled) conversations with parent friends, neighbors and complete strangers, Rachel decided to create the Hebrew School she couldn't find. Thus, Fig Tree was born. 

We're not the typical model. And that's intentional. We're welcoming to ALL kids. We offer an ad hoc, flexible schedule, with as much or as little parent involvement as you like. We bring together a community of like-minded families, without the formality and commitment of a synagogue. And above all, our classes are fun and engaging. Our material is inspiring. We are disrupting the Jewish education model for the benefit of all of our kids, and yours.  

This is the Hebrew School you've been waiting for.